Airworthiness Review Centre

How do I select Airworthiness Review Centre rows to hyperlink wit...

How do I select Airworthiness Review Centre rows to hyperlink with CS?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover on Technical Management tab and Click on the Airworthiness Review Centre tab. It will open Airworthiness Review Centre.
Select record from the grid. Go to end of that row and Click on view icon. It will open new window.
Go to Row which shows you Check List column value as Yes, then Go to end of that row and Click on view icon. It will open new window.
Go to row for which you want to make it Hyperlink. Right click on that row. It will show you Manage Hyperlink option. Click on that option It will open new window.
Select Hyperlink option value to Yes from List then Select Current Status from the list and select other relevant details. It will load data into grid.

Notes: Same for Landing Gear Sub-Assemblies LLPs.
Tick the tick box shown into grid and select record which you want to use as a hyperlink.
Click on the SAVE button.