Maintenance Control Centre / Manage By Date
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  3. Maintenance Control Centre / Manage By Date

How do I copy/move all documents within the client and their Sub ...

How do I copy all files?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover over the Fleet Management tab.

Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage by Date tab.
Select any Centre tab that you want to open like Aircraft Centre, Engine Centre, etc.
Screenshot 2024-09-27 073006
Select Client from list. It will load listing records into grid by default.
Go to end of the record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window.
It will open listing records into grid by default then go to record that you want to access.
Go to Listing Attached column and click on view icon from grid.
  1. If Listing Attached is "Yes" means, follow all below the steps.
  2. If Listing Attached is "No" means jump to step 9.
Once new window is open, go to end of the record that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window.
In the new window, Select All page's option.
Select required Client from the list and other required fields.
Hover over the Manage Documents drop down and Click on Copy option. It will open new window.

At the new window you have a list of rows available into grid. Select row where you want to copy document.
Click on COPY button.
After clicking on Copy button, if same filename document is already present then it will show a pop-up message. If you still want to continue the copy process then click on OK button, then the copy process will be done.
You get alert message. Now Click on OK button.

How do I move all documents within the client and their Sub Clients?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover over the Fleet Management tab.

Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage by Date tab.
Select any Centre tab that you want to open like Aircraft Centre, Engine Centre, etc.
Screenshot 2024-09-27 073006
Select Client from list. It will load listing records into grid by default.
Go to end of the record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window.
It will open listing records into grid by default then go to record that you want to access.
Go to Listing Attached column and click on view icon from grid.
  1. If Listing Attached is "Yes" means, follow all below the steps.
  2. If Listing Attached is "No" means jump to step 9.
Once new window is open, go to end of the record that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window.
In the new window, Select All page's option.
Select required Client from the list and other required fields.
Hover over the Manage Documents drop down and Click on Move option. It will open new window.

At the new window you have a list of rows available into grid. Select row where you want to move document.
Click on MOVE button.
After clicking on Move button, if same filename document is already present then it will show a pop-up message. If you still want to continue the copy process then click on OK button, then the move process will be done.
It will show you Popup window. Click on the OK button.