APU Centre / APU Fleet Status
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  2. Fleet Management
  3. APU Centre / APU Fleet Status

How do I add, edit and delete an APU in the APU Centre?

How do I add an APU?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab and click on APU Centre option.
Click the ADD button from the middle of the page. Fill in the fields and select the new APU registration from the dropdown.

Note: Adding APU will require assistance from the FLYdocs Support team, please get in touch to add new APU.
Select and input all of the required fields and Click on the SAVE button to add.

How do I edit an APU?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on APU Centre Tab.
Click the asset from the grid. The row will become highlighted once selected.
Click on EDIT button and modify any of the required fields at the top of the page.
Click on the SAVE button to update any changes made.

How do I archive an APU?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on APU Centre Tab.
Click the asset from the grid. The row will become highlighted once selected.
Click on the ARCHIVE button.

Note: After accepting the confirmation prompt, the APU will now be moved to the 'VIEW ARCHIVE' partition.
Note:- If you do not see this option appear it is due to access restrictions for your user account. please contact an administrator.