Asset History

How do I copy Asset History from Aircraft Centre to Other Centre...

How do I copy Asset History from Aircraft Centre to Other Centres(Engine, APU and Landing Gear centres)?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Aircraft Centre Tab.
Select the Asset for which you want to assign Asset History.
Click on the ASSET HISTORY button. It will open the Asset History page in a new window.
Select the record from the grid.
Click on the TITLED ASSEMBLIES button. It will open in a new window.
Click on the COPY button. It will open in a new window.
In a new window, select the Details field option.

Note: Once the COPY window is open, all centre and it's an asset will load automatically. Then a user can load data as per the requirement.
Click on the Load button. It will Load data in the Grid.
Tick the checkbox for which you want to copy data.

Note: The details will be copied to the required titled assembly's asset history with the Operator Name. In the required assembly itself, data is updated.
Click on the COPY button. It will open a popup window.
Click on the ok button.

Note: If the Asset History of a particular titled assembly is already added then this entry is not allowed to copy.
Note:- This functionality will work the same for Archived and Non-Archived aircraft as well.