Return Project Management

How do I activate/deactivate Return Project Management?

How do I activate Return Project Management?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on APU Centre Tab.
Go to grid and Select Client name for which you want to activate Return Project Management.
Go to Activate Return Project Management column and Click on Activate icon. It will activate Return Project Management for that Client.
It will show you Pop up message of "Are you sure you want to ActivateThe Return Project Management?" Click on OK button.
It will show you another Pop up message that "The Return Project Management has been activated successfully." Click on OK button.

How do I deactivate Return Project Management?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on APU Centre Tab.
Go to grid and Select Client name for which you want to deactivate Return Project Management.
Go to Activate Return Project Management column and Click on dectivate icon. It will deactivate Return Project Management for that Client.
It will show you Pop up message of "The Return Project management has already been activated, are you sure you want to continue?" Click on OK button.
It will show you another Pop up message that "The Return Project management has been deactivated successfully." Click on OK button.