Maintenance Control Centre(Listing View)
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  3. Maintenance Control Centre(Listing View)

How do I view/hide Workpacks/ Work Orders rows?

How do I view deleted Workpacks/ Work Orders row?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover over the Fleet Management tab.
Screenshot 2024-09-27 072716-1
Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage By Asset tab.
Screenshot 2024-09-29 142038
Select any Centre tab that you want to open like Aircraft Centre, Engine Centre, etc.
Screenshot 2024-09-29 142152
Go to end of the record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window.
Select any Document Type that is visible to you like Workpacks/ Work Orders, etc.
Screenshot 2024-09-29 142232
Go to Show Rows list and Select Show Deleted option from the list. It will show deleted rows into grid.

How do I hide deleted Workpacks/ Work Orders row?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover over the Fleet Management tab.
Screenshot 2024-09-27 072716-1
Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage By Asset tab.
Screenshot 2024-09-29 142038
Select any Centre tab that you want to open like Aircraft Centre, Engine Centre, etc.
Screenshot 2024-09-29 142152
Go to end of the record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window.
Select any Document Type that is visible to you like Workpacks/ Work Orders, etc.
Screenshot 2024-09-29 142232
Go to Show Rows list and Select Hide Deleted option from the list. It will hide deleted rows into grid.
Note:- If you do not see this option appear it is due to access restrictions for your user account. please contact an administrator.