Maintenance Control Centre(Listing View)
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How do I change a Workpack row work status?

How do I change a Workpack row work status?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover over the Fleet Management tab.
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Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage By Asset tab.
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Select any centre tab that you want to open like Aircraft Centre, Engine Centre, etc.
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Go to end of the record from grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window.
Select Workpacks/ Work Orders tab.
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It will open listing records into grid by default then go to record that you want to access.
Go to Listing Attached column and Check for the below step.
  1. If "Listing Attached" is No , Click on view icon from grid.
    (Listing Attached is No: Jump to step 9 ).

  2. If "Listing Attached" is Yes , Click on view icon from grid.
    (Listing Attached is Yes: Jump to step 8 ).
Once new window is open, Go to end of the record that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window.
Once new window is open. Right click on the row for which you want to change work status then Click on the Edit row option.
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Select Work Status from the list.
Click on the Save icon to save your changes.