Maintenance Control Centre(Listing View)
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  3. Maintenance Control Centre(Listing View)

How do I assign a listing row in Live action list?

How do I assign a listing row in Live action list?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover over the Fleet Management tab.
Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage By Date tab.
Select any Centre tab that you want to open like Aircraft Centre, Engine Centre, etc.
Select any Document Type that is visible to you like Workpacks/ Work Orders, etc.
Select Client from the list. It will load listing records into the grid by default.
Go to the end of the date record from the grid that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window. (E.g As shown in the image 8th October 2024 date record is selected.)
Once new window is open, Go to end of the record that you want to access and Click on the view icon. It will open a new window.
You will see a column naming 'Add to Action List'.
Tick on the check box on that column.
Click on the SAVE button and your row will be added to the Live Action List.
Note:- If you do not see this option appear it is due to access restrictions for your user account. please contact an administrator.