Compile Files

How do I Compile Files from different Centres under Fleet Management?

How do I Compile Files from different Centres under Fleet Management?
Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on the desired Centre's Tab Eg. Aircraft Centre, Engine Centre, Landing Gear Centre, APU Centre, Thrust Reverser Centre, Propeller Centre.
Scroll down and select record from the grid.
Click on the COMPILE FILES button. It will open new window.
Select either Use Print Headers to name folders downloaded from CS or Use Row Number to name folders downloaded from CS option.

Note :
1. If "Use Print Headers to name folders downloaded from CS" has been selected, check step 6 for additional option.
2. If "user Row Number to name folders downloaded from CS" has been selected, you can skip step 6.
Check/Uncheck the checkbox to Convert Filenames as Folder Name.
Select Output file option, Either you want to download Output file as a single PDF or Output file as a merged PDF.
Select "Include Client Upload Folder" by ticking on Tick box.
Select work status that you want to exclude from Current Status.
Select Documents with Status by ticking on Tick box.

Select all Categories or Select individual Categories by ticking the Tick box.
Click on SUBMIT button. It will show you pop up message.
It will show you Popup window. Click on the OK button.

Note:- If you do not see this option appear it is due to access restrictions for your user account. please contact an administrator.