How do I download the documents from the compilation link in Windows?
Click on the compilation link from the �compilation email .
Kindly note: The compilation link will automatically expire in the next 21 days
Kindly note: The compilation link will automatically expire in the next 21 days
The link will automatically redirect to the download page.
Click on the "Download" button.
The download will automatically start as a zipped file.
The download will automatically start as a zipped file.
You will be able to open the folder after the downloading completes.
How do I unzip the password protect zip. file using normal windows PC?
Once the download completes from compilation link. A zip file will be available �in the Downloads folder as shown in the screenshot.
Right-click on the Zipped file and select the "Extract here" option as shown in the screenshot.
Enter the received password came on the compilation mail, to unzip the folder.
Click on the OK button.
The progress will automatically start to unzip the file and you will get compilation folder after completion.
The progress will automatically start to unzip the file and you will get compilation folder after completion.
How do I unzip the password protect zip. file using MAC OS?
Click on Finder icon to open a "Finder Window".
A "Finder window" will open, �click on their Default Download Folder. In this case, "Downloads
�, from the left side of the page as shown in the screenshot.
Right-click on the file �and Open With "Archive (default)".
This is the standard Mac unzipping tool, and comes pre-installed with Mac OS.
This is the standard Mac unzipping tool, and comes pre-installed with Mac OS.
A pop-up screen will appear and it will prompt to enter the password.
Kindly enter the password you have received in the email of compilation with the download link.
Kindly enter the password you have received in the email of compilation with the download link.
The unzipped root folder containing all the records will appear in the same directory as the unzipped file.
Note : The compilation link will automatically expire in the next 21 days
Note : The compilation link will automatically expire in the next 21 days
Compilation FAQs:
Relatable Answers
How long is the validity of compilation email?
The Validity of Compilation is
21 days
Why system has not generated the compilation link? It is showing as "NULL" instead of share link
If the permission is not set for any respective groups for
"Show Group to Client User" under
C.S >> CONTROLS >> �Manage Document Group , then those documents of all the groups will not come in the compilation folder after the compilation is done
Would E-sign documents be merged with non E-signed documents while compilation?
As per current functionality, We don't �merge E-signed
(Digital Signed Document) with non E-signed docs. Even if use the merged configuration as well.
Sometimes initiated compilation has been progressing at same percentage for a long time it is not an as usual if user feels. What could be the reason behind of this?
Due to the files not able to be retrieved, the compilation will be stuck, so if you feel that it has been stuck for a long time then you can raise the ticket to the FLYdocs support.
Team Will check the files and try to retrieve the files from our server, So that the compilation can be resumed.
Team Will check the files and try to retrieve the files from our server, So that the compilation can be resumed.
From Current status, unfortunately if we had not selected any FLY print header column for respective tabs then, what would be the folder name for respective tabs?
It is necessary to make the selection for current status area from
CONTROLS >> �Manage FLYprint Headers to the respective columns for
"Use Print Headers to name folders downloaded from CS"
If the print header is not selected for the respective tabs, then the name of the folder names will be created with the Row Number.
If the print header is not selected for the respective tabs, then the name of the folder names will be created with the Row Number.
Sometimes user getting error message while unzipping the zip files after downloading
Ensure the location they choose to download to has available space for both the zip file and to unzip the file, otherwise they will receive an error message.
Sometimes, In some folders files are not there, When we open the folders one by one.
Ensure the location they choose to download the file to is a short file path � mitigate risk of failure due to lengthy file paths due to FLYdocs folder names and character max limits in windows
To have the file path with less directory to avoid error from windows end.
To have the file path with less directory to avoid error from windows end.
How to download the status list of Current Status after initiating the compilation.
After the compilation has been initiated, a new button will be available on the bottom left corner of the window as "Download Status List". A zipped file will get downloaded, �inside which the status list of current status sections will be present.
Note : If the restricted columns are hidden for that particular user from his profile on User Section, then the columns will not be visible on the downloaded status list.
Note : If the restricted columns are hidden for that particular user from his profile on User Section, then the columns will not be visible on the downloaded status list.
When we should use the password to view the files?
When you unzip the zip files, it will ask you to enter the password at pop window. Once entered it will start processing of unzipping.
There is possibilities, Multiple Zip Will be available under single share link.
If the compilation initiated exceeds the size of 70 GB then multiple Zip's will be available under single URL received.
Both folders of Maintenance History and Current status will have separate folder, If the compilation folder limit exceeds above 70 GB.
Both folders of Maintenance History and Current status will have separate folder, If the compilation folder limit exceeds above 70 GB.