Maintenance Control Centre / Manage By Document Type
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  2. Fleet Management
  3. Maintenance Control Centre / Manage By Document Type

How do I upload the documents to the group in Manage By Document Type?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Fleet Management tab.
Hover over the Maintenance Control Centre tab and Click on the Manage By Document type option.
By selecting Client, Year, and Month from the drop-down options from Manage By Document type page records can be view.
Scroll the page to left and click on the blue glass view icon for the required row from the grid. A new window will open.
At the listing level page, click on the blue glass icon for the required row from the grid. A new document level will open.
Documents can be viewed at the document level page.
Click on the Button "Upload Documents", it will open a new pop-up window.

In the new pop-up window select the group from the drop-down option where you want to upload the file
You can also skip step 8 and select the icon of " Upload Documents To Group" for a specific group.
It will allow you to upload the documents directly into the group. Here you don't need to select the group.
Select Upload Options.
Click on the green icon to access your computer and then select the required files. Use the CTRL key on your keyboard to select multiple files - up to 50 can be selected per upload!

Note: Each file must be below 20MB.
After selecting the required files, click the 'UPLOAD' button to begin the upload process.