AD/SB/MOD/STC Compliance Matrix
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  3. AD/SB/MOD/STC Compliance Matrix

How do I mark all documents as use, delete, reject, approved, un-mark?

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How do I mark all documents as use, delete, reject, approved, un-mark?

How do I mark all documents as use, delete, reject, approved, un-mark?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.

Hover over the Technical Management tab. Hover over the Technical Document Management Tab and Click on AD/SB/MOD/STC Compliance Matrix tab.

Select the Client, Centre and Tab from List.

Click on the VIEW button. It will open new window.

Select the row for which you want to view document and Click on View icon. It will open new window.

Go to "Mark All Documents as" dropdown and select option from use, delete, reject, approved, un-mark to mark all document as selected option.

Select "Current Page" and "All Pages" before proceeding further for marking the documents(Mandatory).

Note :
1. "All Pages" for all rows of that particular section.
2. "Current Page" for all rows of the current Page only.
Click on Save button to save change that you make.

Getting conformation massage popup that "The save have been saved successfully." click ok to see update in work status.