
How do I access Open Status PMO Report in Project Management Overview(PMO)Tab?

How do I access the Open Status PMO Report?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Desired Centre Tab.

Scroll down and select the record you wish to view.
Hover on the Current Status and Return Project Management compliance and select the Project Management Overview from the drop-down options. It will open a new window.

Note: This section is only Visible if the Return Project Management tab is activated for the respective asset on a particular Centre.
Hover over the REPORTS dropdown and Click on the Open Status PMO option. It will open "Open Status PMO �Report" in a new window.

How do I export an Open Status PMO Report?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Aircraft Centre Tab.
Scroll down and select the record you wish to view.
Hover on the Current Status and Return Project Management compliance and select the Project Management Overview from dropdown options. It will open a new window.

Note: This section is only Visible if the Return Project Management tab is activated for the respective asset on a particular Centre.
Hover over the REPORTS dropdown and Click on the Open Status PMO option. It will open  in a new window
Click on the EXPORT TO XL button.
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