Third Party Lease Co/Owner/Airline Clients
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  3. Third Party Lease Co/Owner/Airline Clients

How do I control permissions of a Third-Party Group for updating/saving Document Statuses i.e., Reject, Approved, Queried, Reviewed, Unmarked in Maintenance Control Centre?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover Over the Clients tab and Click on the Third-Party Lease Co/Owner/Airline Clients tab.
Select company name from the grid.
Click on the MANAGE SUBUSER button on the right side of the page. It will open a new window.
Click on Manage User Groups.
Click on either MRO/Maintenance Tab or Monthly Reporting Tab.
Tick the required check boxes under Controls to provide/Remove permissions of the group below Document Status Save/Update Permission control i.e., Reject, Approved, Queried, Reviewed and Unmarked.
Click on SAVE button to save the changes done.
A pop up message appears informing the changes are saved successfully. Click on OK.


Note:- If you do not see this option appear it is due to access restrictions for your user account. please contact an administrator.