Aircraft Centre / Aircraft Fleet Status / Maintenance History
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  2. Fleet Management
  3. Aircraft Centre / Aircraft Fleet Status / Maintenance History

How do I upload a document with no OCR process or Split a multiple page PDF?

How do I upload a document with no OCR process or Split a multiple page PDF?

Login to your account using the username and password provided.
Hover over the Fleet Management tab and Click on Aircraft Centre Tab.
Select the Aircraft you would like to view by clicking on the row in the table. The row will become highlight once selected.
Hover over the Maintenance Status button and Click on the Maintenance History button. It will open new window.

NOTE: the Maintenance Status button will become active once an aircraft record has been selected.
Click on the upload button.
Select the No OCR Processing to upload a folder without completing the OCR Process.
Select Split Document to upload a multi-page PDF.
Click on the Plus Symbol to select the document to upload.
Click on UPLOAD Button to Upload the document.